Abruzzo overlooks the Adriatic Sea and has excellent transport services (air, rail and motorway). Starting from Silvi Marina, all of Abruzzo is within easy reach; from its blue green waters with its fine golden sands, to the highest peak of the Appennines – Gran Sasso d'Italia, all within an hours drive. Abruzzo has three National Parks (Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso – i Monti della Laga, Parco Nazionale della Majella), a Regional Park ( Parco Regionale del Sirente – Velino), and 38 Natural Reserves, including the protected seacoast area of "Torre del Cerrano" which lies between Silvi Marina and Pineto. Abruzzo holds the highly deserved title of "The Green Region of Europe".
Along the 133 km coastline Abruzzesse, there are many beaches and rocky shores surrounded by beautiful shady pine forests and hills covered with vineyards and olive trees. The majestic mountains, i Monti della Laga, il Gran Sasso with its Calderone, (which is the most Southern glacier of Europe), il Morrone and la Majella, embrace the entire coastline.
The extraordinary variety of the territory together with its mild Mediterrean climate, have developed a vast array of agricultural, food products and fine wines. The Adriatic Sea famous for its fishing, the green Abruzzesse pastures, the full-bodied wines, the exquisite olive oil, baking flours made of Saracen whole wheat and oats, fresh vegetables and sweet fruits, all contribute to making the Abruzzesse cuisine an Italian excellence.
The small artisitic cities, castles, small medieval villages, archeological sites, hermitages, churches and religious wonders (S. Gabriele, Lanciano, Manoppello) are all waiting to fascinate you all along the hills full of Spanish Broom and Gentian trees.